Projet STIM
A program to promote, support and inspire STEM careers among young people and students. Learn more about the program below and see how you can get involved!
The program includes;
Workshops/dinner conferences with professionals in STEM fields
Workshops/dinner conferences with teachers/CEGEPS/CO representatives for STEM
CEGEP visits
TikTok capsules promoting STEM training and an online group via Discord for students
A network of 20 mentors (from the college/university or professional)
Impact on the metropolitan community;
Increased awareness of STEM via Tiktok capsules
Increased partnerships between Pathways to Education programs in the metropolitan area.
Increased partnerships between the Passeport pour ma santé programs in the metropolitan region and the Carrefour jeunesse-emploi in their territory.
Better knowledge of the STEM eco-system by those involved in the Pathways Canada programs and those of the Carrefour jeunesse-emploi.
A Discord platform for young people in STEM in the metro area
Patheways to Education associated with the project :
Carrefour jeunesse-emploi associated with the project :
Responsable du projet ;
Bihanca Alphonse - 'Projet STIM'
Thank you to our valued partners!